Citicoline Dose on Energy Drink Efficacy


The purpose of this study is to determine how the doses of cognitive-enhancing ingredients such as citicoline and caffeine effect the efficacy of acute energy drink consumption for improving cognitive performance (primary outcome), gaming performance, mood, energy expenditure, and fat oxidation. This study will utilize an In vivo acute response, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, cross-over trial study design. Participants will complete consent, complete screening, and then undergo familiarization and complete four experimental study visits. In brief, participants will consume a commercially available energy drink specifically formulated to improve cognitive performance with the standard dose of Cognizin, a reduced dose of Cognizin, a reduced dose of caffeine and Cognizin, or a placebo (water, which will be carbonated, matched for flavor, mouthfeel, etc.), then complete a battery of computer-based cognitive performance test, tasks in a video game (Tetris) to assess video game performance, have their resting metabolism analyzed, and then assessments of mood. Following a 1-week washout period, participants will return and consume one of the four remaining beverages and complete the same tasks. They will participate in four experimental visits, each time consuming a different beverage until they have consumed all beverages and completed all necessary tasks. Question(s) and Hypotheses (stated in null) Q: Does acute consumption of a new formulations (reduced active ingredients \[citicoline and caffeine\]) of a commercially available energy drink elicit similar improvements in cognitive performance, mood, energy expenditure and fat oxidation in young adults than the standard, currently marketed dose to formulation? H1: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve cognitive performance compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H2: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve gaming (Tetris) performance compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H3: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve mood compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H4: Acute consumption of a commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo.


Cognitive Performance, Gaming Performance, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate, Mood

Study Overview

Study Details

Study overview

The purpose of this study is to determine how the doses of cognitive-enhancing ingredients such as citicoline and caffeine effect the efficacy of acute energy drink consumption for improving cognitive performance (primary outcome), gaming performance, mood, energy expenditure, and fat oxidation. This study will utilize an In vivo acute response, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, cross-over trial study design. Participants will complete consent, complete screening, and then undergo familiarization and complete four experimental study visits. In brief, participants will consume a commercially available energy drink specifically formulated to improve cognitive performance with the standard dose of Cognizin, a reduced dose of Cognizin, a reduced dose of caffeine and Cognizin, or a placebo (water, which will be carbonated, matched for flavor, mouthfeel, etc.), then complete a battery of computer-based cognitive performance test, tasks in a video game (Tetris) to assess video game performance, have their resting metabolism analyzed, and then assessments of mood. Following a 1-week washout period, participants will return and consume one of the four remaining beverages and complete the same tasks. They will participate in four experimental visits, each time consuming a different beverage until they have consumed all beverages and completed all necessary tasks. Question(s) and Hypotheses (stated in null) Q: Does acute consumption of a new formulations (reduced active ingredients \[citicoline and caffeine\]) of a commercially available energy drink elicit similar improvements in cognitive performance, mood, energy expenditure and fat oxidation in young adults than the standard, currently marketed dose to formulation? H1: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve cognitive performance compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H2: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve gaming (Tetris) performance compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H3: Acute consumption of the commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will improve mood compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo. H4: Acute consumption of a commercially available energy drink with standard dosing will increase energy expenditure and fat oxidation compared to the reduced dose beverages and the placebo.

The Effect of Citicoline and Caffeine Dose in a Commercial Energy Drink on Cognitive Performance, Energy Expenditure and Fat Oxidation in Young Adults

Citicoline Dose on Energy Drink Efficacy

Cognitive Performance
Intervention / Treatment


Contacts and Locations

Iowa City

University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa, United States, 52242

Participation Criteria

Researchers look for people who fit a certain description, called eligibility criteria. Some examples of these criteria are a person's general health condition or prior treatments.

For general information about clinical research, read Learn About Studies.

Eligibility Criteria

  • * Fitness: Healthy, recreationally trained (\>2 d/wk physical activity)
  • * BMI: (\<30kg/m2) or BF \<25% (M) and \<32% (F)
  • * \<1 hr/wk playing video games
  • * \>=21 servings of \>=170.5 mL (or \>=6 fl oz) caffeine beverages per week \[(PMID: 33525438)\]
  • * Injury or illness
  • * Habitual nicotine or cannabis use
  • * Use of prescription ADD/ADHD, anti-depressant, or other central acting medication, or previously diagnosed ADD/ADHD, clinical depression, or other mental health condition
  • * Use of prescription, OTC, or dietary supplements to support sleep, or having been diagnosed with a clinical sleep condition
  • * Current or prior chronic (\>6 mo) illicit drug or alcohol abuse
  • * Clinically diagnosed with, or taking medication for a cardiometabolic disease or disorder (e.g., Pre-diabetes, Type II diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease, cardiovascular disease, obesity, etc.)
  • * Clinically diagnosed digestive disorder or sensitivity, or regular use of OTC or dietary supplements to support gastrointestinal pain or discomfort
  • * Competitive athlete
  • * Failure to comply with the controls and conditions of this study

Ages Eligible for Study

18 Years to 50 Years

Sexes Eligible for Study


Accepts Healthy Volunteers


Collaborators and Investigators

Nathaniel Jenkins,

Study Record Dates
